NCN Kidney Genetics Clinic

Welcome to the NCN Kidney Genetics Clinic!

We hope to provide a new service for our patients and look for inherited causes of kidney disease.

It is suspected that about 25% of people with kidney disease have other family members with kidney problems.

Identifying these conditions is important for appropriate treatment. We want to use medications and interventions that will help and avoid those that will not.

We have the ability to do genetic testing, either through a blood test or cheek swab to identify nearly 400 genes associated with kidney disease.

We have the help of genetic counselors if needed to interpret the results.

We hope to focus on and identify patients with the following conditions:

  • ADPKD (Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease)
  • Alport’s syndrome
  • Familial FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis)
  • Familial tubulointerstitial disorders
  • APOL1 risk alleles
  • Fabry’s disease

We now have specific medical treatment for ADPKD (Jynarque) and are involved in a study for another drug to treat ADPKD (FALCON).

We hope to work with you and your family to identify these kidney problems and protect you in the future.

Please contact Dr. Eckel or Dr. Jones with any questions at 1-877-626-6269, or​

Designated as a Partner Clinic in the PKD Foundation for Polycystic Kidney Disease

The PKD Foundation is the only organization in the U.S. solely dedicated to finding treatments and a cure for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and to improving the lives of those it affects. Read More
PKD Foundation Partner